Introduction: Camping Rocket Stove

About: Hi, my name is John. My hobby is to solve problems from other people and creating nice and functional stuff out of trash. I'm living in Germany so excuse my not so fluent English (some technical terms are hard…

I some kind of love camping. Also I love cooking. But I don't like to burn non reversible fuels.
So what for alternatives do you have. Yes of course, you can light a fire every time but, it isn't allowed everywhere and you also burn a lot of wood only to heat up your pan of beans.

So my goal was to create a portable thing which can be fired with wood.

I found the concept of rocket stoves some months ago, so the first step was done.

Step 1: Find a Helium Bottle and Cut It Open

The main part of the portable rocket stove is an old helium bottle. I've got two from a friend of mine after their wedding.

Empty the Bottle completely Helium doesn't burn but to open a 300bar pressured container may is not the best idea.

Cut open the tip and open the tube also from the side. The dimensions of the hole depend on your lateral opening on your stove.

Step 2: Prepare the Square Tube

The supply shaft need to be formed in a way, that the fire can easily access to the top of the main tube. Also add a hollow to the tube, this way the stove will fit easily together.

We also need a way to separate the wood in a way that the air can flow into the main tube, therefore I've recycled an old receiver.

Step 3: Structural Support

For structural support create two legs for the supply shaft.

I've screwed it all together. The legs, the grid for the airflow and the supply shaft with a self-locking nut.

The nylon ring in the nut will not be exposed to the heat, it is located far enough.

Step 4: The Spike

To even more increase the structure of the stove add a Spike to the bottom of the tube. Therefore I welded a nut to the tube.

For the transport I've also drilled a hole in the bottom of the tube, this way it is possible to store the spike in the inside of the tube.

Step 5: Pan Grid

To put on a pan, you need a grid. My is made out of an old griddle.

It is easy to separate and stable enough, to support even my heavy pan.

Step 6: The First Assembly

This is how the complete stove look like. I've painted it with special paint, which is rated up to 800°C (also a big number in Fahrenheit ;-) ).

Step 7: The First Disassembly

For the transport it is possible to separate all the parts from the main pipe. The components are manufactured to fit into the pipe without making to much rattling noises while transport (except the pan grid)...

Step 8: Use the Space

The noises from the pan grid were annoying so I've started to put firewood into the pipe, together with all the other components. This way I've figured out that it is quite useful to have some dry wood with you to start a fire.

Step 9: Enjoy Outdoor Cooking With Wood

I've tried bacon stripes and egg. Even a pan of beans is possible.

Due to the pipe you will only need some little logs for a complete meal. And thanks to the rocket stove concept, you'll get a clan combustion (nearly no smoke).

Step 10: Increase the Structure of the Stove (main Tupe)

As I've promised, the update.

The stove was good but the structure was a little unsteady. To increase the structure I've used a breaking cable from a bike and added a Hole in the main pipe.

Step 11: Increase the Structure of the Stove (feeding Slot)

Then I've added a notch in the feeding slot and I crimped a tail to the braking cable.

Step 12: Increase the Structure of the Stove

Now it is possible to hock in the main pipe to the feeding slot.

The structure is much better and the transport properties are nearly the same.

Step 13: Video Collection of a Bean Stew on the Stove

I've cooked a nice bean stew on the stove. T?o hours of reduction and a really good flavor;-)