Introduction: Design Coat Rack

About: I'm a social-worker, working with 12 - 23 year-olds. I used to be a printer. In 2018 I opened a small makerspace ( in my house, where I have lasercutters, 3d-printers, Arduino's, Mindstorms and ot…

On the first day I opened my makerspace in Numansdorp in the Netherlands, I noticed that I need a coat rack. It used to be a 'technical toy shop' and people don't take their coat off in a shop. In a makerspace they do.

It had to be something that I could make in the makerspace, after some pinterest research for inspiration, this is what I've made.

You can use all 15 pegs or just one and push the rest back in. When you push on the bottom of a peg, it will come out.

Step 1: You Will Need


  • 15 mm plywood
  • 6 30 mm x 55 mm x 640 mm beams
  • 10 mm rod
  • 610 mm x 410 mm MDF backboard
  • 35 mm screws
  • some wall screws and plugs
  • paint


  • Lasercutter (you might need a makerspace for this)
  • Hammer
  • Metal saw
  • Drill and bitts
  • Paint brush

Step 2: The Pegs

Cut the pegs from the 15 mm plywood with the lasercutter. (or a CNC, or by hand?)

Because I want the pegs to be orange, I had to paint them. (3x)

Step 3: The Rods

Cut the 10 mm rod in 50 mm bits.

Step 4: Holes

Measure where to drill the holes in the beams by putting three pegs on top of it.

Drill the holes 20 mm deep with a 10 mm drill bit.

Transfer the placements of the holes to the other beams. (as exact as you can)

The inner 4 beams will need three holes on both short sides, but the two outer beams will only need holes on the inside.

Hammer three pieces of rod on one side in a beam. (start with an outer beam)

Step 5: Add the Pegs

Put three pegs on the rods.

Use a hammer to get them all the way on the rod.

(I drilled a 12 mm hole in some scrap wood to use as a rig to hit with the hammer)

Hammer the second beam on top of the rods.

Step 6: Add More Layers

Put the pieces of rod in the next beam.

Add pegs, beam and repeat.

Step 7: Mount the Back Board

I used a MDF pre-cut back board that is smaller than the rack, so it won't be very visible.

Put the back board on top of the rack and drill two holes on the top in between the outer two beams on both sides.

Mount this board on the wall in a way that you can remove it again, because when it is mounted to the rack it is hard to reach the holes again.

Key-hole-slots would be a good idea here, but I was to lazy for that and made just two holes hanging on two screws.

Step 8: Drill the Back Board

Because I used MDF, I had to pre-drill and countersink the holes before I could screw the back board to the rack.

Put a line in het middle of the length of the beams on the back board.

Measure three places where to drill on each line.

Drill and countersink the holes. (I have 1 bit to do both)

Step 9: Screw on the Back Board

Use the 35 mm screws to screw the back board to the beams of the rack. Make sure that the beams are snug to the board and the screws are all the way in.

Step 10: Hang the Rack

Hang the rack on the wall where you already prepared the mounting.

Enjoy your coat rack.