Introduction: Wire Organizer

About: Part time tinker, Brute Force programmer. My codes are often big but are functional.

Its a simple pipe, cut and shaped in such a way,that its easy to clean with a blower and one can easily unplug and remove / plug and fit a device through it.

I got the design idea from teeth and dental floss. :p

Step 1: Start by Planning What Are Your Requirments

Requirments like, maximum numbers of devices that are gonna be needed-will effect the sizes of "teeth" and the length of pipe. (I plan on adding more devices to my shelf)

diameter of thickest wire -will effect the size of drill bit that's gonna be used.

Length of excess wires- will effect the diameter of pipe, since you'll be shoving the excess into the pipe

Step 2: Start Making It

  • cut the ends square.I used hacksaw for it.
  • Remove burrs. I used a file,but a knife could also be used
  • Drill holes. I used a drill bit so sharp, it eliminated the need for me to drill pilot holes. Drill guide could be used, but I didn't, despite owning one. hand drill can also be used.

for hand drill/ blunt bits, start with small hole and increase the size with bigger bit/ rat's tail file.

  • for making a cut along the pipe.I used a hacksaw.but if your hacksaw isn't long enough, you could use the following alternatives-
    • nylon string
    • dremel/rotary tool
    • die grinder
    • angle grinder
    • table saw
    • Hold a hacksaw blade with a cloth and cut using it (have the teeth towards yourself,so as to make it cut while you pull it.

Step 3: Bending the Pipe

heat the pipe until it's somewhat flexable and then bend it into shape needed.

Step 4: Cut the Gaps Between the Teeth

I used a small hacksaw blade.

refer to step 2, same tools could be used here.

Step 5: Bending the Teeth

heat the pipe again, and bend the teeth as shown.

Step 6: Deburr and Round the Edges

Most burrs shuld have gotten burnt away by now, but if any of them are left, remove them using a knife.

rounding the edges is very important, since it will prevents potential nicks and damages to the wire.

I used a flat file and a rat tail's file for it.

Step 7: Attaching It

I used 2 screws , near the edge of the pipe to secure it into place.

Step 8: Run Wires Through It

Bundle up your wire neatly and shove the bundle into the pipe.

have the wire run from the side, into the pipe, through the teeth gap and into the appliance.